Before becoming a full time performer, I worked in Arts Admin, first as an agent at Intermusica (2006-2012) and then as the Classical Music Programmer at Kings Place (2012-2015). It was an incredibly exciting time to be working at Kings Place. We celebrated the building’s 5th year soon after I joined the team, and under Peter Millican’s management, there was a huge amount of scope for creative input in a way that really contributed to shaping the classical music programme into what it is today. I worked on programming the RPS Award-winning ‘Minimalism Unwrapped’ in 2015, and programmed the entire season of ‘Baroque Unwrapped’ in 2016, which became the best-selling Unwrapped season to date. I also learned the value of collaboration working at Kings Place – it was amazing to see what could come out of sitting down for a coffee and a chinwag with a whole range of different artists, what could be achieved by introducing people to each other and coming up with plans together.
I’ve continued to do some ad hoc bits of arts admin and planning on the side since then, as well as consulting on projects and strategy for individual artists and organisations. Do get in touch if there’s something you’d like to work on with me.