Hatch is a new space for professional singers of contemporary music to share, workshop or perform new work* in a supportive, low-key environment with the opportunity for peer-to-peer feedback.
Hatch launches in February 2025 and is a new project co-founded by Hannah Cooke & Suzie Purkis.
Hatch is a space for professional singers of contemporary music to share, workshop or perform new work* in a supportive, low-key environment with the opportunity for peer-to-peer feedback. Bring us your ideas, your dreams and wonderings, your half-mixed potions, your beautiful creations. Come here to re-wild your singing. To be listened to, supported and encouraged by fellow explorers, adventurers, and alchemists.
Each singer will have the room for 35 minutes to workshop, receive feedback or perform. Bring what you want to bring and present it as you wish - this is your space to use as best suits your needs.
Hatch is also a social space for professional contemporary singers and composers to meet and network, discover new repertoire and performance practices, and to join a community of the curious. Non-performing participants will be crucial at each Hatch session, providing a supportive audience and offering peer feedback as appropriate. We plan to run Hatch every 2-3 months and envisage people attending as regularly as possible, sometimes as performers, sometimes as listeners.
Next session:
Launch date: Wednesday 26th February 2025
Doors 5.30pm, Performances 6-9pm, social 9-10pm
Location: St Pancras Clock Tower, London, NW1 2AR
£10 (Some discretionary spaces are available)
Apply by Weds 12th February to hannahcooke@gmail.com and please tell us a little about your practice. If applying as a performer, please state what you hope to bring to the session (don’t worry, there will be flexibility with this!) *We will define ‘new’ work as anything written since 1958. We aim to notify by 19th February whether we have space for you as a performer this time, or whether we’d like to keep your proposal for a future Hatch session.